Whether you are establishing canonical pages, changing URL of a page on your website or migrating your website from one domain to another, using 301 redirects allows visitors a smooth user experience while retaining their respective SEO value.
If you have pages on your website that Google indexed but can’t crawl, you will receive an “Indexed, Though Blocked by Robots.txt” message on your Google Search Console (GSC). While Google can view these pages, it won’t show them as part of search engine results pages for their target keywords.
To understand your site’s search performance, you must track where you rank on organic search results. However, what if you want to see how your sites perform on search results for a specific location?
As an SEO specialist, you want to make sense of the keywords you’re optimizing for and measure it against your competitor’s performance. For instance, do you know how much traffic you’re generating for your page based on your target keyword(s) and search position?
Keywords Everywhere was, at one point, one of the best free keyword research tools in the market. To be clear, it’s still as good as it’s ever been. But one of its primary selling points was that you didn’t have to pay for it, but that’s not the case anymore.
When building e-commerce or niche sites, conventional wisdom dictates that you go with topics with lots of easy-to-rank-for keywords, cheap products that you can private-label, and others. However, almost everyone will be doing the same.
You don’t always need a fancy or expensive SEO tool to get insights about your SEO efforts. Google Analytics is totally free, and it gives you a wealth of data about your website’s visitors. Use the insights we’re about to share with you in this guide to up your SEO game and do basic keyword tracking in Google Analytics without spending a dime.
If you’ve been trying to claw your way to the top of the search engines without any luck, we’ve got a solution for you that requires no technical know-how, no soliciting for backlinks, no formal SEO training, and no black hat tactics.